Getting Started: Setting Up Your First Monitor

Welcome to EzUptime! This guide will help you set up your first monitor to keep track of your website's uptime and performance.

Step 1: Activate a Subscription Plan

Before you can add your first monitor, you need to activate a subscription plan. This can be either the Free plan or a Free Trial for the paid plan.

  1. Go to the Subscription Page: Log in to your EzUptime account and navigate to the subscription page.

  2. Choose a Plan: Select the Free plan or start a Free Trial for one of the paid plans.

  3. Activate the Plan: Follow the prompts to activate your chosen plan.

Step 2: Add a New Monitor

  1. Go to the Dashboard: Once logged in and your subscription is active, you’ll be taken to your dashboard.

  2. Click on “Add Monitor”: Find the “Add Monitor” button and click on it.

  3. Enter Monitor Details:

    • URL: Enter the URL of the website you want to monitor.

    • Monitor Name: Give your monitor a descriptive name.

    • Check Frequency: Select how often you want the monitor to check the website (e.g., every 1 minute, every 5 minutes).

  4. Save Monitor: Click the “Save” button to add the monitor to your dashboard.

Step 3: Configure Alerts

  1. Go to the Notifications Settings: Navigate to the notifications section in your account settings.

  2. Add Notification Methods: Select your preferred notification methods (e.g., email, Pushover) and configure them.

  3. Set Alert Preferences: Choose the conditions for sending alerts (e.g., when the website is down, when it’s back up).

Step 4: Monitor Status

  • Dashboard View: Your new monitor will now appear on the dashboard, showing the current status and recent activity.

  • Notifications: You will receive alerts based on your configured notification methods whenever there is a status change.

Understanding OK Status Codes

EzUptime allows you to customize which HTTP status codes are treated as "up" (OK) for your monitors. The available options are 1XX, 2XX, 3XX, 4XX, and 5XX status codes. When you select a status code group, any status codes within that group will be treated as a successful (up) response. For example, if you enable 2XX, then all status codes starting with 2 (e.g., 200, 201, 204) will be considered as up.

When This Can Be Helpful

This feature can be particularly useful when monitoring APIs or servers that might return various error codes (e.g., 4XX or 5XX) under certain conditions, such as receiving unexpected requests from the monitor. In these cases, a user may not be concerned about specific error responses but wants to ensure that the server is up and not timing out. By configuring EzUptime to treat 4XX or 5XX status codes as up, you can focus on the server's availability rather than the correctness of the responses.

HTTP Status Code Groups

  • 1XX (Informational): These codes indicate that the request was received and understood, and the server is continuing the process. Examples include 100 (Continue) and 102 (Processing).

  • 2XX (Success): These codes indicate that the request was successfully received, understood, and accepted. Examples include 200 (OK), 201 (Created), and 204 (No Content).

  • 3XX (Redirection): These codes indicate that further action needs to be taken by the user agent to fulfill the request. Examples include 301 (Moved Permanently), 302 (Found), and 304 (Not Modified).

  • 4XX (Client Error): These codes indicate that the request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled. Examples include 400 (Bad Request), 401 (Unauthorized), and 404 (Not Found).

  • 5XX (Server Error): These codes indicate that the server failed to fulfill a valid request. Examples include 500 (Internal Server Error), 502 (Bad Gateway), and 503 (Service Unavailable).

Tips for Effective Monitoring

  • Use Descriptive Names: Make sure each monitor has a clear and descriptive name to easily identify it.

  • Set Appropriate Check Frequencies: Choose check frequencies based on the criticality of the website. More critical websites may require more frequent checks.

  • Regularly Review Alerts: Check your alerts and monitor history regularly to ensure your website is performing as expected. should help your users get started with EzUptime and manage their notifications effectively. Feel free to adjust the content as needed!

Last updated